Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day is a day to honor and remember all pregnancies and infants who were loss due to (but not limited to) stillbirth, SIDS, miscarriage, abortion and death. . Three women, Robyn Bear, Lisa Brown, and Tamy Novak all came together to petition the federal government and the governors of all 50 states for the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Campaign. October 15, 2002, became the first observance of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Everyone comes together at 7pm their time zoom on October 15th to participate in the International Wave of Light. Everyone worldwide will be lighting a candle in recognition of all angels gone too soon. 

Upcoming Events


Every October 15th

  • Walk of Remembrance

  • 2023 Wave of Light

    Our Founder lit her candle in remembrance of her angel baby Blueberry along with additional memorial items.

  • 2022 Wave of Light

    Watch Here!

  • 2021 Wave of Light Tribute: Our Founder, Danielle Reddick's, teddy bear in remembrance of her baby with two candles

  • 2020 Wave of Light

    Watch Here!